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Fastcase is the leading next-generation legal research service that puts a comprehensive national law library and powerful searching, sorting, and data visualization tools at your fingertips.




环球网_全球生活新门户_环球时报旗下网站 - 天前 · 环球网是中国领先的国际资讯门户,拥有独立采编权的中央重点新闻网站。环球网秉承环球时报的国际视野,力求及时、客观、权威、独立地报道新闻,致力于应用前沿的互联网技术,为全球化时伋的中国互联网用户提供与国际生活相关的资讯服务、互动社区。


Identify the most authoritative cases in results, every time. Fastcase integrates citation analysis into search results, telling you how often each case in your results list has been cited. It’s like Shepardizing or KeyCiting each case in search results, except that you can see the results automatically integrated into search results. Now you can sort the most seminal case to the top of the list, with one click. Only Fastcase offers this powerful tool.


Fastcase’s powerful sorting algorithms bring the best results to the top of the list every time – making research powerful, fast and easy. Search results are listed in relevance order by default, but you can re-sort the list to fit your research, to prioritize what’s important to you in every search. Sort in date order, highest court first, alphabetical order, or most cited cases at the top of the list. Fastcase’s powerful sorting tools make it easier and faster to find the cases you need, no matter what kind of research you’re performing.


Fastcase puts the entire American law library in the palm of your hand with free mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.


Map search results visually, so you can see at a glance which are the most important cases. The patented Interactive Timeline view of search results plots all of the search results on a visual map, showing how results are distributed over time, how relevant each case is based on your query, how often each case has been cited generally in the database (“cited generally”), and how often each case has been cited by the super-relevant set of other search results (“cited within”). Mouse over any case on the map and get the case name, citation, most relevant paragraph, and citation analysis for that case. The patented Interactive Timeline is the most advanced legal research tool in the market – there’s nothing else like it!

Desktop & Mobile Print

Unlimited printing is included in every Fastcase subscription. Print beautifully in Word or PDF, in single or dual-column format. Batch print cases with ease!




Growing Your Law Firm with Virtual Paralegals

This year has brought an increase in remote work across industries, including throughout the legal world. And this shift from office to home is not going away anytime soon. Lawyers
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Blog Press Releases

Fastcase Announces “Leaders in Law” Series

Blog Press Releases

The Global #MeToo Movement eBook Now Available

Full Court Press and Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law Publish Research From 48 Authors   Washington, DC and Berkeley, CA (June 16, 2023) – Full Court Press,
Blog Press Releases

Fastcase’s Law Street Media Launches Agriculture News and Adds Docket Alarm Litigation Alerts

Legal News Service Adds Agriculture Coverage, Analytics, and Alerts Center   Washington, DC – (May 28, 2023) Law Street Media, Fastcase’s industry-focused legal news service, today launched two additions to
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Blog Press Releases
Alabama State Bar and Fastcase Logo


All Members Gain Free Access to Leading Legal Research Library   Montgomery, AL and Washington, DC (May 26, 2023) – Today, Fastcase announced a partnership with the Alabama State Bar
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Free COVID-19 Resources


COVID-19 Webinars and More from Fastcase


Free Fastcase Webinars


Fastcase Insider – February 2023: New from Docket Alarm, Law Street Media, Modern Attorney, and more!

Check out the February edition of the Fastcase Insider, a round-up of the latest and greatest innovations from Fastcase. Enabling you to practice law smartly is what drives us every
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外网加速器永久免费版官网 只剩下门缝的VPN何去何从 - 手机新蓝网:2021-2-7 · 热门推荐 让20元行政处罚不再磨叽!宁波城管要推广这件事 2021-06-16 12:17 嘉兴端午民俗文化节细节公布 今年将新增“云端约会” 2021-06-16 12:17 为“网红主播”发上岗证! Press Releases


Fastcase is pleased to announce the release of version 7.5.3 of our flagship legal research platform. Houston, we have cleared the tower! Since starting Fastcase 7, we’ve designed our legal
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"Fastcase has 800,000 subscribers and has not raised their prices since their launch. Yet they continue to build out a product which is growing more and more like Lexis and Westlaw and
looking less like its competitors in the ‘low cost’ market."


关于建设具有全球影响力创新名城的若干政策措施_中国江苏网:2021-1-5 · 建立孵化器、加速器、众创空间绩效考核奖励制度,纳入省级伍上孵育计划的予伍省拨经费1:1共同支持;在三年孵化期内每成功培育一家高新技术 ...

"Fastcase is one legal research app you definitely should have in your toolbox."

Niraj Rout


“Because of Fastcase, I am able to compete with the larger firms.”

Gary Gash

Gash & Associates, P.C.

"Like the Tesla Model S, Fastcase 7 is faster and smarter, but it’s even better than Tesla because you won’t have to search for a Supercharger to use Fastcase."

Carole Levitt

中国空中Wi-Fi市场预期达百亿(2) - 旅游 - 新京报网:2021-5-10 · 去年起中国航空Wi-Fi布局加速,未来将带动空中购物消费新模式 (上接D06版) 现状 2021年起中国航空空中Wi-Fi布局加速 作为过渡,我国很多航空公司 ...

库尔勒开发区加速推进重点项目建设:国庆期间,作为巴州经济发展排头兵的国家级库尔勒经济技术开发区,正在加速推进重点项目建设。面对经济下行压力,开发区换挡提速,加快转型升级的步伐,积极发展“3+1”产业,即纺织服装产业、石油天然气产业、农副产品产业和现伋服务业嵌入式发展模式,并伍此为带动,推动了各项重点 ...

Tristan Cardwell


"At all times, everything users need to access the cases and statutes that comprise the whole of the content, is presented cleanly and intuitively on the screen."

John DiGilio


"When a company already has a winning platform, it is a big gamble to jettison it and replace it with something that is entirely new… Current users will be glad to know that this new version does not discard any of the functionality that was already available in Fastcase. Rather, it enhances that functionality in several respects — most notably with universal search — and does it through a faster, more intuitive interface that puts all the key resources and tools right in front of you.
I know that Fastcase spent a long time developing this new platform and put a lot of thought and work into it. From what I’ve seen so far... the gamble paid off."

Robert Ambrogi


"Fastcase 7 is a platform which invites lawyers into deep interaction with the content. Each screen has an amazing variety of visually distinct displays which invite a researcher to explore their search results in different ways."

Jean O’Grady

Dewey B Strategic


中国空中Wi-Fi市场预期达百亿 带动空中消费新模式_中证网:2021-5-10 · 18-04-03 16:49 铁路部门引入社会优势资源参与动车组Wi-Fi建设运营 18-01-20 08:58 机载Wi-Fi赚钱待解 空中上网能免费多久 17-06-14 09:16 航伋试水收费空中Wi-Fi ...

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